Sharing is Caring

Monday, March 7

My first one!

This is so typical for me. My friends all start doing something really cool and eventually I can't help but join the bandwagon. Ohh always the follower never the trend setter! Just a warning - I am a terrible writer and I have no creative spark so please don't expect this blog to be intellectually stimulating or entertaining! Yeah that's right - I had to take College Writing 1A my freshman year I am that bad. I totally claim ESL - and it would work if I could speak another language. Oh well. So here's what you can expect: lots of exclamation points, me whining about work, stories about me drinking...good stuff.

So first off, want to thank all the guys and gals for a great night on Sat. It really is amazing that we have stayed in touch post college. Thank you cardinal and straw for bringing us together!

It's 10:00 so I will start working now. FYI I am wearing jeans to work on a Monday. Rock on.


  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger jen said…

    How fun! Though you don't give yourself enough credit for creativity- who else in this world would think to sew a Jack Daniels patch onto an otherwise plain black jacket, thus creating a total fashion icon for whiskey lovers everywhere?! love jen

  • At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do love blogs and will be a faithful reader! Can't decide if I want to join the blog movement or not, but you are an inspiration!
    And I also thank you XO love, la la la. :)
    xoxo Linz

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Ambee said…

    You must not affirm negativity like that. You are totally creative and a blog is not about having any "correct" writing skills, its all about your voice. And you do have a distinct one of those! I look forward to reading this!

  • At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ha, Ha, my dear sister! Sounds like you have lots of loving voices around you reminding you of how hard you are on yourself!!
    Kudos to you for taking such a big step in sharing yourself with others in an intimate way. I, knowing you as well as I do, know what an amazing writer, thinker you are and look forward to sharing your thoughts in the future. Love you!! Gladys


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