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Tuesday, March 8

Technology schmechnology

Back in my high school years I swear I lived on the phone. Every night I would be on the phone for like a minimum of 2 hours a night talking to the same people I just spend a full day with at school. What in the world could we possibly be talking about for so long?? I have fond memories of my sister yelling at me to talk quietly. To this day I still have no volume control on the phone. I also remember when my sister was home from college she would also live on the phone and every time one of my friends called she would be such a biznatch and like hang up on them (I love you sister!). My friends were all totally scared of her!

I digress. Moving along to current life. I hardly talk on my phone anymore. Cell phones are evil things. Yeah it's totally nice when you are like at a bar trying to find your friend but really, it makes it too easy to just pass up answering the phone and just call someone back later. And I am horrible at calling people back. Back when we didn't have cell phones, having someone call me at home was so exciting and I couldn't wait to chat. Now when I get home, I am tired from work, hungry, too lazy to cook, feeling guilty for not going to the gym, waiting for the boy to come home and yet I rarely go to my phone to call a friend. I am also notorious for missing phone calls. I swear my old phone really was the reason since it never freaking rang. I think I just got in the habit of not checking my voice mail and not realizing people were actually calling me! Years later I have turned into a lazy TV addict that no longer has any phone friends!

Email also sucks. Technology is replacing the need for human contact. My computer has definitely replaced my need for a live conversations and some face time. I really want this to change. I want to meet up for coffee with my friends and chat. I want to have 2 hour phone conversations at night! Well, maybe just 1 to start! Who is willing to help me with this endeavor?!


  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger Ambee said…

    High school? I think more like college my friend. You'd be on the phone all the time in your room, and with people who you never spent any face to face time with!!

    No - I hear you though. I'm queen of just ignoring calls b/c I'm not in the mood to talk and I promise myself I'll call back when I am, but never get around to it. Not sure if I'm ready to sign up for nightly phone calls but I agree with more face time. I mean we live like a mile from you... why don't we hang out more on random weeknights!

  • At 10:02 AM, Blogger chicajato said…

    La sassy is right! I totally forgot I was on the phone all the time in college too. And hey I don't want daily phone calls but every now and again!!!

  • At 12:17 PM, Blogger jen said…

    I've always been notoriously bad with the phone calls...but I am up for giving it a shot! Or doing something - really anything - besides plopping on the couch and watching reruns, feeling too lazy to cook, and feeling guilty about not going to the gym! (i guess we're all alike in that way!)

  • At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will give you a call on my way home from school today... so get excited.

  • At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Does this mean you will actually call me back when I call you now? And not just during The Bachelorette.


  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aahh, those fond, distorted childhood memories...! No, I did not hang up on your friends, I just told them you would call them back, thus paving the path for you to follow this pattern in the future!!! Hee, hee! Regardless, I am so there with you sister on this whole tech. thing. And WE are only 1 1/2 blocks away from each other! I think distance via phone, email is safe for us humans and gives us a false sense of control over our lives. I mean, if people could pop into our lives at any random moment without our choosing it, aka: visiting you at home one night, that would mean you'd have to be ready to host at any given second and be "on" all the time...way too exhausting! Sounds like you are wanting to give that a shot, though, which I am totally up for supporting you with, so lets plan on me visiting you randomly throughout the week :)
    Seriously, though, good for you for wanting to try on a new role/behavior and break out of some old ones that are no longer giving you what you want. You rock little one!
    I love you,


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