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Thursday, March 10

study time

The art of studying escaped me the second I completed my last final for school. Now, almost 4 years later, I am attempting to relearn how to learn! I am working on getting some credentials for Employee Benefits - 8 tests total and so far I have passed 6. Tomorrow is my shot at #7. Since I have no motivation to study when I get home from work, I ended up taking off three days to just stay at home and study. I have been doing just that and it sucks! My wrist hurts from taking so many notes, my neck hurts from hunching over to read the material, and all I want to do is go outside and work on my tan (or lack of one)!

How is it that so many people my age actually want to go back to school?! Is it really the content of classes that is so intriguing or is it the environment that is stimulating? I feel that school is just something we do to prepare us for the "real" world, so now that we are in it - do we really have to go back and learn more? Or is it a temporary escape? Does grad school really give you the knowledge base to get back in the working world and kick ass (mind you I am not talking about grad school for those entering a new profession i.e. lawyer, doctor)? I am so torn as to whether I want to go back. I am pretty sure I do not see the value in it for me personally, but that little voice in my head won't let me say no. And one thing for sure is that I HATE standardized tests and no way I want to go study for a test just to be able to apply to school! Bottom line - I am lazy!

Quick shout out to my boy who bought me cottage cheese and jello this morning so I could have a snack while studying:)


  • At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh dear sister, your lamenting never ends!!! I am so sorry to hear you are leaving again in a few days...just when I start to get excited about maybe spending more time with you, you leave!!
    Well, study time is never anything exciting but it does do our brain cells a favor in exercising them a bit to make sure they dont atrophy too quickly over time.
    So, one quick thing you got to fill me in on...this whole "the boy" thing...why dont you call him my boyfriend, my lovely man, my love, my lover, my honey, anything but "the boy"...sounds so impersonal!! Maybe it's a generation thing that I missed being that I am in my "30's" and all...!!

    Love you and good luck me if you want a great distraction!


  • At 5:07 PM, Blogger chicajato said…

    hey I called him MY boy!!!


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