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Saturday, June 3

Is June over yet?

I had a great month of May - my bday, Peru and Vegas all in 3 weeks. June however is going to flat out suck. Work related of course so no need to get into it. It is absolutely gorgeous out here and I realize that I live here day to day worried that the weather is going to turn to crap in seconds. That's no fun! Why can't we be guaranteed a solid number of months of just great weather?!

My coworker just got engaged and it is the cutest thing ever - her boy told her they were going to go on a trip for memorial weekend and to pack for SF weather. She thought they would probably hit up santa barbara or something. Turns out they flew out to London for the weekend to catch phantom of the opera and he proposed to here over there! That is some major planning for any guy to handle so I am damn impressed. What is cute about this couple is that they both worked for my company (he no longer does) and they totally kept their reltionship on the DL but now that he is gone and people ask her who she is engaged to - she has to tell the truth and everyone at work are like holy crap we had no idea!

So many of us are engaged or married and I feel like we are still so young to do something so adult. Planning a wedding just seems nuts to me. Vegas is the way to go!


  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger jen said…

    That is such a cute story! Definitely one for them to tell the grandkids!

    For what it's worth, weddings are's the marriage that's the hard part!

    How was Peru?


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