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Tuesday, February 28

karma is a bitch

MAC has been sick for 2 weeks now. Didn't seem to be a major cold but enough that he was in bed pretty early every night. He is finally getting better and yesterday I made a comment. Now to set this up, before the words came out of my mouth I knew that I probably should not make the comment. but the blabber that I am - I couldn;t refrain. In an effort to make it gentle, I prefaced it with "knock on wood" and then said "you get sick so much more than I do" end quote. I thought that I covered my bases by knocking on wood FIRST, but as karma would have it, that afternoon I could feel the cold coming. Ears popping, really tired, throat immensely dry and water was doing nothing. And so be it. the gods have spoken and decided to punish me for not taking better care of my boy when he was sick. WHY??!!! I am at work today, would have taken a sick day but I actually have calls I am running and don;t have a speaker phone at home. well we do but it sucks. I also did leave my power cord at the office so I guess I had no choice since I would have needed my computer anyway.

Oh well, at least I had a good weekend of some snowboarding! I am SORE as crap but I do think I improved slightly!


  • At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am sorry that you are sick! Feel better.


  • At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry you're sick!! Don't ever open your mouth about not getting sick - you willy lady!! Emer'gen'C - that's the stuff yo!
    You rock for snowboarding! Woo hoo!

  • At 9:26 AM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    so wait, knocking on wood doesn't work? is that part of this hard learned lesson? 'cuz if knocking on wood doesn't work, i'm gonna' be pretty damn disillusioned.


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