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Tuesday, April 25

almost May

lordy this month hsa gone by so fast. Once again I find myself whining about how crazy work has been but at least this time I am in a super challenging role and it really is a great opportunity. And the work itself is incredibly cool in my book.

So had my HS friend's wedding this past weekend out in the valley! yea that is central valley kids. I love hanging out with my HS gang and I love talking shit about the bitches I hate from back in the day. Now la sassy and I had a convo about how we are adults and it is lame to carry around grudges from the past and I totally agree and I do think it is immature to live in the past but you know what? I am ok with feeling strongly enough about certain people to dislike them and that I do not need to love the world. And I don;t want to forget about the past - it makes for some great conversations about how much I hate certain people. deal with it.


  • At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wah wah wah - call the wahhhhbulance.
    Tee hee.
    It's funny to talk about the past but don't hate folks - too much energy.

  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger jen said…

    So what is your cool, new role at work? I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    I'm trying to remember grudges against girls I had in high school, and I just can't remember anymore! I'm getting too old to keep track of that shit!


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