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Monday, June 5

Peru summary

I don't think I ever really gave details about my trip! So quick summary...

Flew to Florida, change planes for flight to Lima. Landed at 10pm. We had our flight to Cuzco the next morning at 6am. No hotels nearby so we planned on just sleeping at the airport which could have been fine. Although the airport in Lima is open 24 hours they do not allow in travelers into the terminals after midnight and they do not open doors until 4am. So we were stuck in the food court, lounging in metal chairs and tables. They were cleaning the floors so we had to keep on moving tables throughout the night. It flat out SUCKED but there were a lot of other people doing the same thing so I guess it was ok! Next time I'm sleeping on the floor!

Landed in Cuzco, slept a little then went on a tour of some local sites. Great stone structures, water channels and landscape. The whole day MAC and I had a HORRIBLE headache - welcome altitude sickness. Next day we got up early to take the train to Machu Pichu! It was a nice train ride - 3 hours. We then went on our tour and as you can tell from the pics Machu is amazing. hard to comprehend HOW it was all done. Our tourguide gave us lots of fun tidbits about theories and how the site was discovered. Abolsutely beautiful!

Next day we had another tour scheduled but my body had other plans. I woke up at 2 in the morning and straight until 7 I was puking and pooping all over the freaking place. It was so freaking disgusting! shit just kept on coming out of my mouth (ha and butt!) and it would not stop. I would lay down for a second and then have to run back to the bathroom. After a few hours I gave up and brought a pillow into the bathroom. And to add to the grotesqueness of this situation - I actually was on the toilet crapping and puking into the garbage can at the same time. GROSSSSSSSSS!! but details are necessary here so you can understand how sick I was! Not sure what happened - my sis was sick the day before but not as extreme as I got. So MAC and I stayed at the hotel and missed out on the last tour:(

Next day we headed back to Lma. That night we had a dinner with extended family - some uncles, cousins and all that. Times like these really wish I could speak more fluently but I tried! The restaurant was SOOO much fun - it was buffet of peruvian food and they had traditional peruvian dancing all night! I love watching dancing so this was perfect. Oh and turns out my uncle is loaded. They heard it was my bday the week of our trip so they gave me this gorgeous necklace. I was absolutely shocked - I actually have never been so surprised by a gift like that before. Completely unexpected and it was so pretty.

Next day hung out with one of my dad's old school friends from back in the day. Hung out with their fam which were all so nice:) Day after hung out with the rich uncle. their house was incredible. Mansion is an understatement! I exaggerate only slightly here. We headed back home that day.

Oh and of course there was lots of shopping the whole trip:) I didn;t get too much but some cool pieces you will see in our apartment!


  • At 9:50 AM, Blogger jen said…

    Sounds great! (except for the puking and pooping part, of course!)

  • At 9:34 AM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    oh my... i had no idea you were puking and shitting like it was nobody's business... sorry!

  • At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my friends call the simultaneous sickness "double barreling"!


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