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Thursday, April 28

my sis

My sister left for Spain yesterday! Mark gave her a ticket to spain for her bday - isn't that just sweet?! I love that my sis lives so damn close to me...I forgot to mention to MAC that she was leaving this week and on his way to work yesterday she saw him through her window and screamed out to him that she was leaving and she was so excited and MAC was like jato is a punk and didn;t say anything:) anyway - how cool is it that MAC and I can just run into my sis on our walk to the bus stop?! I have to say even though I don;t see my sis that often which is pretty pathetic since we live so close - I am really going to miss the idea of having her so easily accessible to me while she is away. Same thing happened when my dad went to Peru - even though I talk to him on the phone all the time it was weird having him in another country and talking on the phone with him - just not the same feeling.

Well I am so excited to come home this weekend even though MAC is a punk and has to go to tahoe for work today and tomorrow. I hate when our schedules cross. I am coming home tonight and he has to travel. On my bday week I am coming home wed night and he is off somewhere for work until thurs. He is working on fixing that though cuz he is going to have to deal with one pissed off bday girl if he is not around that day!


  • At 9:08 AM, Blogger Ambee said…

    And you left him on his b-day too. :-(

  • At 11:12 AM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    yeah, that totally sucks... to be away from him all week and come home to an empty house, argh!

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger jen said…

    I think he's pulling your leg..."work" in Tahoe???? :)
    Who works in Tahoe, unless the work involves a day at the slopes finished off w/ a six pack of beer?

    you can hang out w/ me if you get lonely!


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