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Monday, April 18

A present for me?!

It feels like Christmas. I juat got my new computer and boy am I happy! little things I have to adjust to but overall I am stoked. Yup I said it - stoked! And the IT lady was so damn nice it just made this morning very pleasant. So sadly last night I got into the hotel and unlike the prior week, there were no water bottles and cereal bars awaiting me in my room:( you can;t start pampering someone and then take it all away! I made it to yoga this morning and I am feeling a bit sore now. I was amazed how much I was sweating at the end of the class! I remember lasassy talking about head stands and I tried my first one! The instructor had to balance my legs but I got them up there!

Oh and then the wonderful starbucks man gave me a free drink coupon of my choice! How nice!!! It is supposed to be 78 here today so things are just looking great!

Thanks to all of you I saw this weekend for making it a spendid time! Dinner was lovely and props to the bohemia crew for being sketchy and drinking FREE red bull and vodkas all night (unfortunately to MAC's dismay I had way too much to drink!). Sat BBQ in WC was sooo much fun! I love bocce ball and I rock at it...kind of! Depends on which arm I throw with but I am ambidexterous damn it Jefe! And Ana/Jiggles/Titty McGee is beautiful!

MAC is also slowly but surely feeling better. He has been resting and drinking lots of water which seems to be helping. thanks to all of you who shared your stories with me - definitey helped to calm me down.

So MAC and I went to go check out the condo a block away. not shabby. So annoying to hear this young couple next to me say "yeah, 1.15M is in our price range". Are you freaking kidding me?


  • At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay for christmas in April!! I love days like today when you feel the whole world is on your side :) May you continue having a wonderful day full of little treats and surprises. BTW...I guess I missed out on the whole MAC being sick thing...hope he is feeling better.


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