Sharing is Caring

Wednesday, April 13


It's been a while updating my blog. So much going on! I had an amazing weekend - saw lots of peeps out on the town. Fri was marge's bday party which was good times - saw good old leah and sara from the younger class. Sat saw my new favorite band with some of the blake street girls and we had a blast! I, in typical groupie fashion, introduced myself to the band and let them know how cool they were and how I think they needed to turn up the vocals and update their website. Of course at the time I thought I was doing them a favor, next day realized I was totally that obnoxious girl! But ends up the band appreciated my comments and asked for more feedback! Poor MAC just sits back and rolls his eyes at me when I start talking about how great their CD is!

Sunday I was packing away and thanks to my dad for his warning, checked my flight info before taking off to the airport. good thing I did - denver airport was closed due to some major storms. I experienced my first SNOW DAY and I loved it! No work for me until Tuesday morning! Well, I did work from home but what a nice break!

Tuesday was just quite an adventure - had some major airport drama since of course my ticket was not registering in the system. Fortunately I made it on time and headed over to work. On the way my coworker and I did a little shopping since I was obsessing over the fact that I forgot my cardigan sweater thingy and it was going to be hot this week! I bought a nice little cardigan to make do and some really cute tops for the summer! Then off to get lunch and head over to the office. At the office my coworker realized that my order was not placed in the bag. So we call and they end up sending someone over on a bike to deliver my food! Was I supposed to tip the poor guy?! I didn't - I am bad:( So then I get my food and then turn on my computer. To just totally drown my high turns out my poor monitor was crushed and the screen was just worthless. No cracks but rainbow colors all over. So I then spent the afternoon heading over to the denver office to replace the monior, luckily they had some in stock! What makes things so sad is that I was scheduled to get a new computer on friday since my lease is up and I came really freaking close to having that lease date pushed back to november! But the IT people were AMAZING and they hooked me up!

So rest of the day was short and sweet. Went to the hotel, watched some shows, made some phone calls, and then slept quite nicely until of course the stupid neighbors come home at 2:30 in the morning and decide to freaking have a loud mouth drunken conversation. Maybe they were not drunk but damn they were freaking loud. Volume control people - work on it. At least it wasn't as bad as the last week drunken hook up attempt next door.


  • At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok - so what is the name of this band?? And what kind of music is it that warrants this kind of groupie behavior? MAC - I hate to say it, but you know she's got the groupie gene right?
    I can't wait to see you in person chica! It's been a month! Crazy how time flies! Damn those loud neighbors. Why are people so rude and inconsiderate when they are in hotels??

  • At 1:45 PM, Blogger jen said…

    Ah, yes, Jackie the groupie. What band was it?

    So I know you're all busy and whatever with this Denver stuff, but let's hang out sometime soon! The weather in Walnut Creek is getting very nice and warm (hint, hint)!

  • At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Buy some earplugs my dear and all will be peaceful from there on...
    I can attest to the groupie gene, being that I too, have been given that gene and once I lay eyes on a band I love, that's it...say hello to your favorite fan-Gladys!! Unlike, you, my dear, I am all about buttering them up and telling them how PERFECT they are...ahh, the subtle differences in our characters that make us such great sisters!

  • At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sweet, i made jato's blog! as one of the blake street girls, i can attest that this band was pretty cool. though i DEFINITELY agree they need to turn up the vocals, otherwise his voice just sounds like noise.

    and i'm sure jato has already answered your qs but the band's name is PELUKA. and they happen to be playing at the RED DEVIL LOUNGE on THURS MAY 19TH at 9pm if anyone is interested! =)


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