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Wednesday, April 20

the answer is...

So yeah - I know at least 3 of you guessed right. Answer is SOUTH. Now I understand that at the north pole, east and west have no bearing. well not true - I kind of get it. And thanks to Laura for spending a lot of time going back and forth with me - I get it. So my problem was that I was thinking if I am at the north, then south would result in me facing directly down, as in like to hell! But that is where Laura saved me. South is a direction - not up and down! I can go south on a freeway and I am not heading to the core if the earth!

ok so for more ground breaking stories - I was watching the news and they had this segment on smoking. I am sure you will all be amazed but turns out drinking is linked to increased smoking! Even light smokers will have a craving to smoke if they have been drinking. If you are trying to quit or avoid this - they suggest that you drink slowly! HAH! Supposedly it is the act of drinking too fast that after half an hour does cause some stimulator (suprisingly since alcohol is a depressor) and that stimulator will increase the smoke craving. The guy said have one or two drinks and drink them slow. Great advice eh?

So all the big wigs were in denver this week so a group of 14 of us went to dinner last night. I got stuck at the end at the kiddy table:( we were at the restaurant for THREE hours. SO insane. But I have to say these big shots were really cool - I just wish I could have talked to them more!


  • At 1:01 PM, Blogger jen said…

    As for the drinking/smoking...I think that there is a correlation, but not necessarily a cause. (STAT 2 BABY- yeah!). I think lots of unhealthy or impulsive behaviors are curbed when you only drink 1 or 2 drinks slowly, vs. more drinks quicker.

    I totally don't get the riddle- oh well.

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger jen said…

    I just realized what I wrote about the drinking/smoking sounded really stupid. Duh- if you drank less, you'd do less stupid stuff. Who's the dumb researcher that got paid to run that study?


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