Sharing is Caring

Tuesday, August 2


although I have been pushed back on getting work done since the client is busy, I have to say it is nice having to actually get my butt up in the morning and get ready for work. even though the idea of staying home forever sounds lovely - I just don't think I would be ok living off of MTV reruns every day. and I am sure I would find things to occupy my time but it would probably get old. or not. who knows.

so thanks to a lovely talk with andrea this weekend - I think I have figured out my career plans. I think I want to be involved with internal HR as a recruiter. Campus recruiting and event planning sounds perfect to me - and one day I would maybe do exec hire. this all sounds perfect in my head but will be pretty hard to execute. not an easy field to get into - but hopefully my charm is all I need!

it was such a nice weekend in SF - great weather, saw lots of pals, took a nice long walk with morgan around the city. My new thing is to take walks. great time to spend with friends, no money involved, and you are outdoors!


  • At 3:05 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    with this new job venture, are we talking "start all over again"? believe me, that's not a bad thing -- not at all -- being happy is numero uno... i mean could you potentially transition into your current company's HR dept?

    can you do part-time at times? that'd be ideal... be forced to get up earlier than noon, go in for a bit for some stimulating activity, and then go home for some MTV re-runs... i dunno -- don't you think that'd be theee RADDEST!!!?!?!

  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Ambee said…

    I've been walking a ton too, and enjoying it. You're right, its free, excercize, and you get to explore a little. Today I walked home from my dentist appt. downtown. It was lovely.

    And congrats and making a decision about career stuff that interests you. Keep working towards that!

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger jen said…

    i also give a thumbs up to the walks. i have been taking long walks and/or hikes (essentially the same thing- walking the outdoors) and it is a great way to get exercise. In fact, I am kind of over my running phase for you. I figure long walks, yoga, and some weights will keep me fit and I don't have to hate every moment of it like i often do when i run.

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger jen said…

    errr...i am not over my running phase "for YOU", I meant "for NOW". You can do whatever you want :)


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