Sharing is Caring

Wednesday, June 29


Do my boobs really have to sweat so much?!!! I guess I am happy that I am not a facial sweater - or at least not that bad, but why is it that my boobs freaking sweat?? right down the valley - drip drip drip on my way to work. And do I have to have such freaking painful cramps right now? Hellz yeah I am PMSing and I am moody and my back hurts and I feel ill. freaking midol kick in anytime now. I would now like to share my most painful cramp memory:

in HS - went down to 6 flags down near LA with a friend. All was going well and then midday it hit. I felt nauseaus, ended up staring at the toilet for like an hour. Sucks to be stuck in a public bathroom at 6 flags when you are vomiting and crapping like a mad woman. after I pretty much have labor I go outside and can't move. I lay down, on the concrete in front of the bathroom with everyone walking by. My friend is such a doll for not making a big deal out of it. I toughed it out and went on some rides after that. Good thing my love for rollar coasters can outweigh anything (except my luv for MAC!).


  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    hahaha... boob sweat, that's awesome! just don't get any on me! fuck, i'm going to go home and think of my worst pms experience.... hm, but i think it will involve throwing and kicking things versus projectile vomiting in some 6 flags bathroom!

  • At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    dude...i am tired of hearing about your sweaty boobs. update!

  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger Krikri said…

    Ditto deitz - plus my boobs don't even sweat so I like, can't even relate. Post about poop already!!!


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