Sharing is Caring

Wednesday, July 13

go red for women

there are millions of those yellow livestrong wristbands out there and I think it is such a great cause to raise awareness. I was annoyed however because I wanted there to be something big like that which I could support regarging stroke awareness. Turns out there is something out there from the American Heart Association. Did you know that cardiovascular disease, including stroke, claims more women’s lives than the next seven causes of death combined — nearly 500,000 a year, nearly twice as many as all forms of cancer? Until my mom, I had never known or heard of anone knowing someone who had passed away due to a stroke. It is scary to think that one can believe they are living a normal life and then have something so horrific happen. Now I know it has turned into something cliche now but I went ahead and purchased some wristbands - they are red with the logo "go red for women". I had purchased 10 items thinking I might hand some out to anyone interested. Turns out my 10 items equalled FIFTY wristbands!!! I swear the website never mentioned 1 item had 5 bracelets!!! anyway - don't be surprised if I come storming down your door trying to give you one:)

So here is my one qualm with the bands - there are a bajilion causes of death and things to worry about in life. Overall we all need to just be healthy and take care of ourselved right? - so wristbands are not really needed to raise awareness about a specific cause since overall we should just all be concerned about wellness. But still - I will support this cause since it is a big deal to me now...and yes I will wear my bracelet with pride:)


  • At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will totally wear the wrist band for your mama's cause! By the way - does the money that you spent on the bands go to some research or something like that?
    We totally need to be aware of so much as women and we should all get our blood pressure and cholesterol checked regularly! I have high cholesterol and I have to really watch my diet (I try) and excersize but it's scary to know that I'm at a higher risk for heart disease! Go to your doctors and do all those good check ups ladies!!

  • At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    k - I totally spelled exercise wrong...just realized that ;)!!

  • At 2:02 PM, Blogger Ambee said…

    The only reason those bands annoy me is b/c they became so trendy to wear. I mean, I LOVE that people are trying to raise awareness and money for important health issues - and them becoming trendy does achieve those ends - but my 15 year old nephews had like 5 of them in different colors and could have cared less what they stood for.

    Anyways, my whole point is that when it means something to you, I think its an awesome thing. I would wear one for your mom and other women with pride.

  • At 8:11 AM, Blogger jen said…

    I'd love to wear a bracelet in your mom's memory.

  • At 2:50 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    i'd wear one too! as la sassy mentioned now that there has been an inundation of wristbands, they are sometimes overlooked... if you know of any other way to support your cause, i'd be totally into that too! But of course for now, hook us up w/ the bands :)!!! do they have a walk or something of the sort? i actually really like the walk idea... i guess that's kinda cliched too, but there seems to be a lot of support for those. i dunno - just some thoughts :)... and thanks for writing about that... very cool!

  • At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Me too, me too! I would be honored to wear one :)
    Funny side note - here in Italy they have all the bands and colors too but they just have random American words, not causes or anything. Those Italians love English writing on anything!


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