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Thursday, July 21

I need TIVO

I am so jealous that la sassy was able to watch some TIVO in saulsalito. I adore the gaustinaeu girls on bravo and I can't even catch a damn re run! that and some real world would just make my day. I watched "so you think you can dance" last night and I totally loved it! I LOVE dancing and watching people dance and it was so fun watching all these people strut their stuff. what was most interesting is that they claim they are picking unique dancers but end of the day they are totally just picking britney spears back up dancers. kind of annoying. also - so many of the dancers were breakdancers. Now I think breakdancing is absolutely awesome but it's not really dancing - it's more like gymnatics or something. but it looks so cool to these old british judges so makes sense so many of them were picked!

tomorrow is my last day of sitting at officially starts on Monday. At least I get to see the LA gals when I am down there!


  • At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am the biggest fan of tivo! I think you and Morgan should get it! Just think - when you do want to just plop in front of the tv for a little while, you watch the shows you want to see! It's the best - and it's quicker b/c you can fast forward through the commercials! I should be a spokes person for tivo because I love it so much!!!
    Enjoy your last few days at home my dear! Whatcha doing this weekend?


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