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Tuesday, November 22

Decision made

so not that excited but I did decide to stay with my group at work. I was contemplating transferrign to a new group which would have been cool but scared little chicajato couldn;t do it. I am happy with my decision - esp because I might get staffed out in oakland. Who knew I would EVER be excited to work outside of the city. As long as my ass is not on a plane I am content.

SOOO excited for the holiday this week! What the hell am I going to do for 4 days?! NOTHING!!!! YAYYYY!!!!

Yesterday some coworker is walking by and he does a double take and he says something like "wow that's a lot of hair". I am like, yeah I have curly hair. He is about to walk off and for some reason he stops himself and says " I used to have an afro"...I am like, oh well that is nice. You too have curly hair huh? and he is like "yeah but it is short now". I laughed, ho hum that is nice and walk away. So what exactly do you think this man was implying?! I have an afro therefore it reminded him of his good old hair days?!


  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger jen said…

    I think it means he was flirting with you.

  • At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We forgot to talk about job stuff this weekend!!! Sorry :( But glad you are happy with your decision - you rock!
    xoxo Linz

  • At 8:51 AM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    that's exactly what he's implying, hahaha!


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