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Wednesday, November 2

tv is the devil

so I whine about how I have no work life balance since I get home eat dinner then sleep. yesterday I get at a reasonable hour and eat dinner and then proceed to watch 2 hours of TV. well, 1.3 since I fell asleep on the couch. It is so lame that all I would probably do if I did have more of a life during the week is watch tv. maybe not, after a while of just tv I would hope that I actually did something with my time, but I feel so lazy and unmotivated and it sucks. going home after work and then getting ready to do something else just seems like such a pain. always on the go is what bothers me - I hate feeling rushed and I feel like I don;t have time to just chill but when I do get that time I freaking watch TV. I don;t know what to do with myself. I would like to read and I have a test to study for and yet I dare not pick up a book cuz then I will fall asleep and it will be like 8:00 and that is just not ok. I wish I could start coloring or something. that's it - I am going to get some coloring books and rock the town.


  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    it's feelings like those that make me totally non-committal.... totally lazy. i'm glad i don't have cable cuz i'd never leave my house!

  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger jen said…

    I think it's especially hard to motivate after work once the sun starts setting so early. When it's dark at freaking 6 pm I just feel like curling up in front of the tv and falling asleep by 9. point of story = you are normal.


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