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Sunday, January 29


After all my excitment and resume preparing and my first round interview, I got DENIED a position as a recruiter within my company. I was really pumped about this position - it just seemed like the stars were aligned and this position opened up at the perfect time and I found out in a haphazhard way and it was just meant to be. I interviewed with two ladies and thought I could totally do this job but then I called her on friday and she let me down softly. She did give me hope though - that it would be an easier transition for me to apply for an undergrad recruiter role (I was applying for advanced degree). So my search is not over just yet, but I am now remotivated to kick some ass in my current position.

Have to say I had quite a great weekend and now I am recovering. I got drrunkkkity drunk on fri night. Yup - I got home at 3 in the morning! who does that anymore???!! It was like 2:30 and there were like 5 of us left at this house party and none of us were even close to breathing that first yawn of sleepiness. Good times partying with some coworkers!

Goals for the year update - I am still looking to pick up some dancing, either formal classes or ladies nights out! I think my sis and I are going to take some salsa classes - sign up with me people!! salsa is soooo much fun:) Oh and I walked by the "S factor" office the other day. This is the sexy striptease dancing class which I believe is both aerobics and a self- empowering class. You know, get in touch with your inner sex pot or something. These classes are DAMMMNN expensive but might be worth it. I need some self empowerment these days!


  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    sorry about the job :(

  • At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So happy you felt empowered by the unfortunate letdown on the recruiter position. Turn that rejection into positive energy baby!!!

  • At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what a bummer about the position :(... What's the deal with the strip tease class? I saw a blurb on Oprah about that and I would sooo love to do that. Send me details!!!


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