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Sunday, January 22

hated it

I never used to buy trashy magazines cuz I would rather go on living my life not feeling like a complete loser compared to all these celebrity peeps. I didn;t want to get sucked into knowing what are the fashion trends, who is wearing what, what the latest hairstyle is, who looks best in a bikini, who has lost the most weight, who is dating who, and all that jazz. Unfortunately my 2 years of traveling for work led me to purchase US and In Touch at the airport every week. Now I am addicted and I hate it...or love it...whatever. It sucks though. I get soooo jealous that these celebrities can have it all and for doing what? spending a month on some set reciting some lines? and you get paid how much to do that??? It is just so unfair that I slave my life away in the corporate world to make 1/10th of what these stars make in like a month. how can it be so easy for them? and why do we choose to celebrate these actors and glorify them for doing nothing???

What pisses me off the most right now - or perhaps the girl I am most jealous of - is that damn kristin cavalluchi or whatever the hell her last name is. why in the world is she famous? she was followed around living her life on the beach and now she gets to be a celebrity and get invited to all the premieres and award shows and all this good stuff? Who pays her bills? how is she making money? she gets to have her own tv show now? WHYYY??? she is not an actress?! ANYONE can do what she does so why her??

How can I possibly let this all get to me? I haven't quite figured it out yet. I mean, I would not want to live that lifestyle but I would LOVE to have everything just come to me so easily and to never have to worry about the bills and buy myself some mansion like that 19 year old actor from malcolm in the middle who just bought like a 9 million dollar home or something ridiculous.


  • At 5:58 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    okay... i think about this "acting" thing often... it's like actors just pretend to be other people. "oh look he's so good at pretending to be retarded!" i mean, what the fuck? and kristin callevari is like anyone -- anyone can basically step in and memorize some lines and act happy or said... and like you said, we fucking glorify them!!! musicians or dancer or artists who can draw a perfect circle -- that's talent -- that's shit not everyone can do... but this pretending bull shit is such a crock!!! they put themselves on pedestals as well - they think of themselves as "artists" -- are you fucking kidding me? hahaha! but i'm sooo guilty of buying into the fame thing -- i want to see who's dating who or who's wearing what... i'm a sucka'!


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