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Friday, December 2

shop with me!

I can;t believe none of ya'll are coming to my purse party tonight! LOzers! I'm bummed but realize people got stuff going on! MAC had his co xmas party last night and we had a BLAST! last year there were like 15 people but his group has grown a lot and with more hires = more couples = more people to meet! I really like his coworkers and their significant others. I don;t know how MAC pulled it off but we got to sit at the cool table with the big boss head and this AWESOME lady from NY and the office manager who likes owns the group! Went to fancy schmancy farallon and I ate BAMBI! and damn bambi was good!


  • At 1:42 PM, Blogger jen said…

    bambi! wow- you are totally venturing out from your enchilladas or whatever shit you normally eat!

    i am still thinking of coming tonight.. the only downsides are my lack of money to buy anything and the fact that i will have to take cabs to/from that cost like a million dollars!

  • At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey punk! I'm coming!
    Bambi huh? That's just mean...

  • At 5:42 PM, Blogger Ambee said…

    Sorry I can't go - budget=loans and not much of them as it is, and studying is crazy right now. I'ma ctually going to a study group tonight :-(

    And Jeff's x-mas party is tomorrow night at the Clairmont, so I'm excited - fun to eat free food, get dressed up, drink for free and take my ONE break this weekend!

  • At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wait... are you saying that you only like to meet other "couples"...
    whats up with the "singles" discrimination!!! punk!

  • At 9:05 PM, Blogger chicajato said…

    the couples part did not mean that there had to be a relationship involved!! everyone brings a date silly = couple = people to meet!!!


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