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Thursday, July 13

you will not believe this

Umm ok you all will not believe this. MAC has the BEST story ever!~ He is down in LA for work for 2 night. He and his coworker go to some fancy hotel (next to kodak theatre) for dinner cuz his coworker used to always stay there and liked the place. So they walk up and notice the entrance is all blocked off and it looked like construction work. They walk closer, notice a red carpet and are like WTF? they disregard it, go to the restaurant and of course the place was booked but they were able to get a seat outside. While eating some security guard came around and was like you guys have to leave at 9. Why you ask? because there was some ESPN after party going on outside where they were sitting!!!! so MAC and friend take their time and the bodyguard keeps coming back saying they HAVE to leave. They pay the bill and then try to hide pretty much in a corner, get caught and the guy follows them to leave. SOOOOOO the boys keep drinking, the friend gets ballsy and he manages to sneak in! Calls MAC and tells him where to go. MAC is like crap, he has no choice and he goes to the security guard, walks right past him and enters the party! the boys are IN!!!! Now the fun part - all the celebs they saw!!!! Nikki h, nick lachey!!!, mathew mc (however you spell his name), that USC quarterback that was dating Lohan, lots of other NFL athletes, he thinks he saw stupid Kristin Cavallari, matt perry, and there were some others. He was totally got to experience the LA scene and I was not there!!!!! Me jealous.

umm and check this out ...yup - these are peeps that were at the party. It was the ESPY event - Pink has it on his blog!


  • At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's a great story! Good for he and his friend to get ballsy - it's worth a try right??

  • At 12:42 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    holy fuck... how fun!

  • At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    MAC IS MY HERO!!! How freakin' cool that he snuck in...that is so a Gladys move, I'm proud of you MAC! AND I want to hear every ounce of juicy details that you can give!!!

  • At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Holy crap! I would have SO not been cool and just freaked out to see everyone from my Us magazine in person. Way to go MAC!

  • At 9:44 PM, Blogger Ambee said…

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  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger Ambee said…

    I don't know if I'm more impressed with the story or your picture posting - keep the stories and the pics coming!

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger jen said…

    Awesome story. Way to go, MAC!


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