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Friday, March 18

Going back to Cali

Thank you I get to come home today! I am just hoping this weekend means I can breathe without this nasal drip and my skin won't need 2 bottles of lotion to make it appear moisturized! Does it make any sense that I pretty much got to work at 8:45 and then we are taking off at 11:30...and these three hours will be filled with me doing nothing? Why do they make me stay here??!!!

Weird thing about Denver: there are no toilet seat covers - yuck.

Next week I am going to try and motivate to wake up at 5:30 to go take some yoga and pilates classes at a nearby gym. I am pretty excited since many people rave about how rewarding these classes can be. Problem is I have the hardest time getting out of bed when the sun is not out.

It is one of my friend's from like Kingergarten birthday today. How wonderful is it to have a friend that has grown up with you from day one at school to still be in your life?? I wouldn't know - because she is the biggest loser. Let me explain. We were totally good friends from K-10th grade. Then she was kind of part of her own clique and I was in mine - but we were still friends. We both end up going to college in the bay area but lose touch over the years. Not in a bad way - every time we talked it would be great and fun like nothing has changed. Then post college I end up moving to SF which is where she is. I call her and tell her the news and how excited I am to hang out with her. Mind you I do this on voice mail. Like 20 times. She never calls me back. I finally get her to respond via email and she is like oh so sorry blah blah blah. Over a two year period I probably see her twice. She did grace me with her presence at some of my parties but she left after like 20 minutes. I finally gave up on her. Is it really worth it to feel like I am not good enough for her to contact? Can someone really be THAT busy? Or is she just over me and could care less about the fact I was her freaking best friend for such a long ass time? I have never lost a friend and I don't like it but I guess such is life. I can't expect to have all my friends forever but this is just too extreme for me to understand. In essence I feel like I have been rejected by one of the few people that knows me as well as she does. That just sucks. Funny thing though I got invited to her bday party this weekend. At this point I am like screw her - I am over it. But she did come to my last party...but she brought along someone who I despise...whatever.


  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger jen said…

    So are you going to her b-day party or what? I think you should hang out with me instead! :)

  • At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok - so this is my first time reading blogs and since I am a bit slow today at work, I am responding! Hi Jackie! I had no idea that you were out in Denver and that you were taking tests and lots of things! I need to stay in the loop more. I was out of it long enough with a crabby husband, but no more! I'm glad to hear that you're back and that you are defrosting! Let's get together soon for dinner!!

  • At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ooh - I also meant to comment on your friend situation. I really understand what you mean about losing friends. I hate that feeling too but you know, you can't hang on to them when they aren't reciprocating. And maybe you go to her party for 20 minutes and leave it at that. But if you don't really want to go, why go? You don't need to be fake by any means so do what you want ;)!


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