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Tuesday, April 5

catching up

So many little things I wanted to write about so here they are!

On the news they quickly mentioned how talking to babies in high pitched voices does indeed help them learn the language! Something to do with catching their attention vs the regular pitch used talking to other adults. Thanks to YY for also pointing that out!

So weekend was ruined by a cold. All I did was sleep. Missed out on G's bday party, almost missed my plane. Stupid "spring an hour ahead" screwed me up. Thought my flight was at 3, turns out it was at 2. Thought it was 11, turns out it was noon. I had half an hour to get ready and pack. Poor MAC had to deal with one nasty biotch. I can;t help it - I am easily agitated and frustrated when things get out of my control. But I made it. And how cool is this? I got to have dinner in Denver with Laura and Andy (sp?)!! I feel like such a jet setter meeting up for a quick bite is some random state!

I have missed out on the gym now for 3 days since I can;t make myself get up in the morning - granted I do have my "I'm sick" excuse but I think that will have to end tomorrow.

I am reading a fabulous book though - I think I mentioned how I heart Dean Koontz. Psychothrillers rule! This one is all about how lives are intertwined and how our own energy exists everywhere and stuff...good stuff.

Oh and I have to share my cube with a new staff member. She is totally cool but come on - do I get any privacy?? We also have to share the network cord. Sucks. And I don;t have a printer so we have to disconnect our laptops to go connect to some printer in some other cube. LAME LAME LAME. And I didn't get to each lunch yesterday until close to 4. had a 2 hour meeting where I sat taking notes like the good little notetaker I am. I will stop there. I love work - work is great - traveling is fun. YAY.


  • At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    would a router help you and your coworker?

    either way, i hear you on the work conditions. right now i'm in a teeny tiny conference room with seven other people, a thousand workpaper binders, and lousy air circulation. although i do have an excellent printer connection, hehe!

    btw, have you watched that new show the office? i've been tivo'ing it but i must say, i'm not impressed. there are two cool characters but the boss and the miltonesque guy are such caricatures its not really that funny. =(

  • At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you feeling better yet? :( We had fun hanging out with Mr. MAC on Monday night!


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