Sharing is Caring

Wednesday, August 10

I want

a freaking computer that works. I hate when my damn outlook takes 10 minutes to load since my archive folder did not close down properly. screw you computer. I don't even use the damn archive folder. and why the hell is my internet not responding? my cookies are not enables? yes they are asshole.

why am I sick right now? I rarely get colds. I am skipping the gym because I am sick but I am not really THAT sick. I am being a pus$y.

why are these people asking me questions that I have no freaking clue about? I don;t know if data transferred to vendors is encrypted. what the hell does that even mean?

why are there so many lame ass drivers on the freeway?? stop pressing your damn breaks. If you let go off the gas your car will slow down.

why am I venting right now? Cuz I have to go to the bathroom and it is not goin g to be pretty:P


  • At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    data... 128 minimum encryption. it's a security measure against hackers. 128 bit encryptions are standard... so noone can read the files as they are sent "out there"...

  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    doesn't everyone and everything just suck ass?
    hahahaha... one of those days, eh?
    i'm looking down cubicle row here wondering, who the fuck are these people?

  • At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what the heck is up with all of the random ads on your bog? ick. I wonder if there is a way to block blog spam?



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