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Friday, September 30


So happy it is friday but looking over plans for the month of October I feel restless already. I struggle with this need to be active all the day with plans and stuff for every weekend...but when it comes down to weekend time, all I want to do is hang out and CHILL. Having plans makes me feel like I am always on the go and never get a chance to relax. so October most likely will not be a relaxing month. work will be pretty busy and halloween is a coming! damn halloween. No more being a Misfit but I don;t know what else to be! no creativity spark here. I was a witch from like Kindergarten to fifth grade.

Wednesday, September 28

AC transit

time for more griping about driving. I hate when people consciously screw other people on the road. I mean there are 2 lanes to get to the freeway. It clearly says that on a bagillion signs 2 miles before the on ramp. yet you still have as$holes that cruise up alongside the lanes and at the last minute decide to screw everyone else, turn on their blinker, and merge in. I get *very* angry when people try to screw me over. let's just say they never get passed me - unless I am in a giving mood - which is rare. I realize on occassion you have an innocent driver that just doesn; tknow any better. these are not innocent drivers on a tuesday morning at 8:30. they know exactly what they are doing and they do it every day.

on a side note - sucks to get passed up on the freeway by AC transit.

Tuesday, September 27

traffic and money woes

I will never understand traffic. I have had a bagillion conversations about it and no one seems to understand. how in the world does traffic start? for 15 minutes on the freeway cars were bumper to bumper and then all of a sudden it clears and off zooming we go. reason for the delay? NOTHING. the sun was outside so people wanted to actually see it or something? no accidents, no cops, nothing. lots of trucks though. could be their conspiracy to make all of us suffer on the road.

thinking about money. I am starting to realize with the help of MAC that I have unrealistic standards of "success" for myself. success to me has always meant financial bliss...never did I think oh to have work life balance and have time to enjoy home and friends and all that good stuff. Nope - I just always assumed adult life would be me working a lot in an effort to make the big bucks. As part of my whole transition phase that I am in right now - which includes uncertainity about living in SF, and where I want to work - I am slowly seeing the light and realizing there are more important things to life than the amount of my paycheck. still trying to figure out just how to make that switch but I am hopeful!

Friday, September 23

I'm alive!

what a crazy week! I had my HS friend's wedding reception this weekend in Modesto. started out fun - turned out ugly! moral of the story - don;t let boys drink. So much drama and all from the boys! crazy.

went to Orlando for my annual training sun - wed. training was decent but it was really cool hanging out with some of my fellow co workers from SF and NY:)

I also got some video footage time on the last day - too bad I missed it!

Finally it's the weekend and I feel like there is so much to do, never any time to take a break. such is life. running around all the time like there is something important to do but end of the day does any of it matter? I mean really. Do I have to get my hair cut this weekend? why not just let it all grow and keep it in a pony tail the rest of my life? MAC loves my poofy hair so he would be happy!

Can't wait to read up on all you bloggers - I feel so out of touch!

Friday, September 9

it's a friday night

friday night drinking some chilled white watching some MTV VMAs. Have to say I am sooo dissapointed with p diddy's or whatever the hell his name is hosting of this year's show. BORRRINNNNGGGGG. so sad. so lame. I mean really lame. P diddy is showing us all these new and crazy things like his conducting an orchestra. I love that MAC knows my US magazine better than I do! he claims that Eva L. had cameltoe on the show in her little bathing suit outfit. I don't believe it. luckily I have access to the internet so I will do some searching after this post. what a great way to spend my fri night!!!

worked from the sf office today. ther are totaly all these little new hires from school that are all so young and happy and I am like dude - just wait a few months. I am so bitter and jaded and grr I hate change!!!! why can't my office just stay the way it is? so many people have left - and now I am one of the lifers at the company:(

so my HS friend just got back from getting married in prague!!! so insane! she is moving to SF and I am so happy. She has been traveling forever and now she is finally stationed in SF for at least a year!

amazing how people come and go - I mean andrea left, lindsey left, my HS friends come in, j-do moved, la sassy moved here, as did miss curious, and now some of the HS gals are leaving, friend from my post college spanish class is leaving...Am I really going to be the only one that sticks around the city???