Sharing is Caring

Tuesday, May 31


it is the last day of May and I am feeling gloomy. why? Because my freaking wisdom tooth is killing me. At least I hope it is my wisdom tooth...someone just told me that it could be a root canal thing. Please. I have never had a cavity and now I meet some sugery??! ! What sucks most of all is that I can;t get an appt until next fri. what the hell am I supposed to do till then? I didn;t make it to the gym today which pissed me off. I had a strawberry shake at lunch and chili fries which pisses me off now cuz I feel gross. The holiday is over which pisses me off! Oh and when I was unpacking last night turns out I am a moron and didn't properly close my shampoo bottle. yeah that was a fun midnight hour cleaning up my luggage:(

On a good note - I am so super dooper excited for July! MAC and I are taking our first vacation together and we are off to costa rica! HOW FUN!!! I am all nervous about needing to speak spanish but I am sure we will fit right in:) July also means I am done with Denver and July means that my tooth should be all better! Oh and MAC and I had a very nice holiday weekend. Went to santa cruz and hit up the boardwalk. Actually I should say we hit up the arcade for 2 hours! I was in heaven! Every game possible they had and I rocked! Well between the two of us we kicked some ass! We went on 3 rides. Would have gone of more but MAC turned out to be a little girl on the rides. Just kidding MAC!!

So one of my favorite things at the boardwalk is the robot fortune teller lady similar to what is on the movie BIG. Anyway - my fortune totally rocked. It was soooo right on - saying how I was stubborn or something and how someone would come along and make things better and the next month would be good for me and all this stuff that totally applies to what is going on in my life! MAC's was pretty right on as well. That robot is smart:)


  • At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry about your tooth! What are dentists always freaking booked forever? Yeah for the fun weekend though - and thanks for updating your blog, it made my day :)

  • At 5:14 PM, Blogger Mona said…

    From a random reader...know that your thoughts have been read...keep up the writing and best of luck to you.

  • At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay for Santa Cruz trips with cute boys ;)! I hear you about the tooth thing. It sucks! I went about 23 or 24 without a cavity and then boom - like 3 or 4 in a row!! See if they can get you in if someone cancels...?
    - Lynz

  • At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I meant to say 23 or 24 years -

  • At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Is it that time of the month, my dear?! Things just don't seem to be in your favor right now, BUT they will only get better with time!! There, my two cents for the NEED to call me dear sister to catch up as you never called me back last week!!

  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Ambee said…

    Hey Jacks, can you get an emergency appt. through 1-800 dentist? My friend did that and as long as they take your insurance, I think its all covered. No need for a week more of suffering!

    Glad to hear that you and MAC had some much needed time together. I'm counting the days until July when you're done with Denver and all signs point to good things for you.


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