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Tuesday, June 14

I live in a cell

I am currently surrounded by 6 stacks of claims files. I am enveloped in a mass of paperwork. Kind of nice - makes me feel like I have my own space that no one can intefere with - I mean right now no one can see my computer screen. I AM FREE!!!

It is lovely outside - funny how I sweat on my walk to work but not during my afternoon walk to get food. I think I must walk pretty briskly in the morning. slow down chica - work will still be there even if I get there 2 minutes later. I feel like I have to walk fast for some reason - like I am on a mission to get to work and no one can stop me. I guess I think that if I walk to slow people will stare and be like - who does she think she is walking all slow when she knows she has to get to work?! I would like to learn how to casually walk. I get uncomfortable with a big group of coworkers when everyone is just strolling along and I am like speed it up folks. I don't want to hang out with you all freaking day!

On a girly note - so my sister took me to a salon to get my nails and toes painted and when she went to pay I was in shock at how expensive the total was...I will not say cuz you all will think we are crazy but know that is was FREAKING EXPENSIVE! Of course I would never go back...or would I?! Turns out, I have never had a pedi or mani last for so long. I mean typically my nails are shot starting on day 1. they chip instantaneously - my nails break in a week, my hands are just nasty. So now it is like a month later - my nails have never been so strong and my bright pink pedi still looks good! Maybe it is worth it to splurge? or maybe not. Maybe I just don't need a mani and pedi. but I have nasty hands and my feet aren;t going to win any beauty contests. Do I always tell myself it's ok to splurge all the time?! I think I do which means I am never going to have money to buy a house!!! When do I give and when do I take?! Do I keep on buying my insanely pricey face products because the lotion is so soft and my face feels lovely? Do I continue to use eye cream even though I don;t really have to worry just yet?! or do i just use my over the counter eucerin which kicks ass? It's just not the same going to walgreens for facial products when I can go to a department store and feel snooty. I am lame I know. I am not a snoot I swear! but nice things are nice to long as they don;t define me!


  • At 1:28 PM, Blogger jen said…

    God, you are SUCH A SNOB.

    JOKING!!! I say you should continue to splurge on the face products...and probably the mani/pedi too... there's going to be times in your life that you may have to pinch pennies, so enjoy pampering yourself if you can!

  • At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't listen to Mac! HAVE TO get the good mani/pedi, especially pedi to keep those feet healthy. Boys could use one every once in awhile too...:)

  • At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have done research on the mani/pedi thing! You really do get what you pay for. The more expensive places really do use better products which means your mani/pedi's last way longer! My cheepy neighborhood place is ok but man - my toes even chipped the day after. And I went to Mani Pedi in Protrero Hill - fabulous and looks great even weeks afterwards!! Sorry MAC - spend the money now while you can and should!! And your face products - MAC - if you're going to look at her face for a long time, you better tell her to get the good stuff!! :)

  • At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well Miss Ato - would you care to divulge any of that priveleged info? What brand of face stuff do you buy?
    And where did you get your mani/pedi done? If that place was crazy expensive, try Mani Pedi in Protrero Hill - $27 for a good pedi and like maybe $40 for mani and pedi?

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    nice things are nice to have... i look at this way... you, especially you, work your ass off... these small things bring a smile to your face... for the hours you work, you deserve to pamper yourself on whatever things important or trivial they may be.... don't even sweat it... like you said - they don't define you and don't let them. you're all good!

  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger MissCurious said…

    and MAC - there's no mind changin' here... let her spend her hard earned money! hahaha! ;)


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