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Wednesday, June 1

no more wine please

yup - went out last night for dinner. Not only did we end up spending a freaking CRAP load of money - but we had shots after dinner. WHY? I don;t know - cuz we were the only ones at the bar and the waiters were all nice and it was the Manager's first day as Manager! I bonded with one of the waitresses - she was telling me some city hotspots! We had this appetizer called the Coastal had everything I would ever want - scallops, mussels, clams, oysters, shrimp!!! It was amazing. Unfortunately they didn;t warn us about the freaking size of this appetizer. Even with 3 people we did not need our entrees after that dish. So warning to everyone - be weary of ordering an item that has a price listed as MARKET. Learned that the hard way - our appetizer was $80!!! Can you believe it??!!! So insane.

Of course such a heavy meal kept me from making my pilates class today:( But I did manage to get my butt up to do some cardio!

I am listening to music right now and I am so proud of myself for finally learning how to work with music on! This took me a while. I am so easily distracted and I love singing along to every song in my head but now I am the master!

what's the deal with this deep throat guy being all over the news? calm down people.

Umm paris and paris are engaged? it makes me ill thinking how much money they have between them. when am I going to get some mula??!!


  • At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you make me laugh. - jen

  • At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ditto Hulse! Good thoughts :)

  • At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Shots? On a Tuesday night? You are crazy!!
    - Lynz


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